EMP (Environmental Management Plan) is a plan which the Project Proponent shall prepare at same timing of EIA/IEE report, or as a standalone plan. EMP contains e.g. commitments, emission limit values, any environmental standards, requirements, feasible mitigation measures and monitoring activities for the identified adverse impacts, schedule and responsibilities (including necessary cost) of those activities.
In typical cases, EMP is prepared together with any IEE/EIA report; however, if a standalone EMP report is required in any cases, the Project Proponent shall submit the report to ECD together with the following form:
1. Types and contents of EMP
In accordance with Article 2 s) and t) of EIA Procedure, there are two types of EMP to be prepared; namely, Construction Phase EMP, and Operational Phase EMP.
The contents of those EMPs shall be:
Contents of EMP, defined by Article 2 s) and t) of EIA Procedure
All relevant commitments, Emission Limit Values, Environmental Quality Standards and other environmental requirements, a description of the construction works / project operations, installations, infrastructure, an overview of Adverse Impacts, present mitigation measures and monitoring programs, time schedules, projected budget use, overview maps, images, aerial photos, satellite images, site layout plans, cross-sections, transects, environmental management and monitoring sub-plans for each construction site, thematic sub-plans, and management procedures, and so on.
Contents of EMP (Article 63 of EIA Procedure, for EIA type project) 8.0 Environmental Management Plan 8.1 Project Description by Project phase (pre-construction, construction, operation, decommissioning, closure and post-closure) 8.2 Project’s Environmental, Socio-economic and, where relevant, Health Policies and Commitments, legal requirements and institutional arrangements 8.3 Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures 8.4 Overall budget for implementation of the EMP 8.5 Management and Monitoring Sub-Plans by Project phase (pre-construction, construction, operation, decommissioning, closure and post-closure); the Management and Monitoring Sub-Plans shall address and satisfy all relevant environmental and social management and monitoring issues such as but not limited to noise, vibrations, waste, hazardous waste, wastewater and storm water, air quality, odor, chemicals, water quality, erosion and sedimentation, biodiversity, occupational and community health and safety, cultural heritage, employment and training, and emergency response 8.6 Content of each Sub-Plan 8.6.1 Objectives 8.6.2 Legal Requirements 8.6.3 Overview maps and site layout maps, images, aerial photos, satellite images 8.6.4 Implementation Schedule 8.6.5 Management Actions 8.6.6 Monitoring Plans 8.6.7 Projected Budgets and Responsibilities |
2. Timing for EMP preparation
If a project falls under the following cases, preparation of an EMP is required for the project approval.
Case 1: The Ministry makes a determination of EMP preparation to the Project Proponent in any cases (See also Article 24 of EIA Procedure)
Case 2: IEE type project (See also Article 36 of EIA Procedure)
Case 3: EIA type project (See also Article 63 of EIA Procedure)
Case 4: Existing project, which has already commenced prior to the issuance of Environmental Conservation Rule (See also Article 8 of EIA Procedure)
Case 5: Expansion of any project, which has already commenced prior to the issuance of Environmental Conservation Rule, and no any IEE/EIA report has not been prepared so far (See also Article 11 of EIA Procedure)
In the Case 1, The Project Proponent itself, or any registered person / organization may prepare the EMP (See also Article 76 of EIA Procedure).
3. Approval of EMP
After completion and submission of EMP to ECD, together with IEE / EIA report, or standalone report, ECD will review the whole contents of the submitted EMP whether it satisfies the necessary requirements according to Article 77 such as:
a) accuracy and completeness of the EMP;
b) the EMP has been prepared in strict compliance with applicable laws including this Procedure; and
c) the Project will at all times comply fully with the commitments, mitigation measures, and plans in the EMP.
The ECD’s review process takes up to 30 days from the date of submission, then ECD delivers the final decision to MONREC (See also Article 81).
If the EMP does not satisfy requirements, then the Project Proponent shall undertake necessary amendments and/or to provide supplementary information as directed by MONREC (See also Article 78).
Finally, MONREC will issue an ECC with any conditions, or require that the Project Proponent carries out an IEE or EIA, citing the reasons for this decision. The final decision will be disclosed on ECD web site (See also Article 80 of EIA Procedure).