At the first step of EIA/IEE process, the project proponent must prepare “Project Proposal(PP)” and submit the document to ECD for Screening.
The Project Proposal will be submitted together with APPLICATION FORM OF PROJECT PROPOSAL (MS-Word **kb)
1. Preparation of Project Proposal
In accordance with Article 2 of EIA Procedure, Project Proposal is defined as:
“a written document, in form, content and structure in accordance with the Ministry’s requirements and guidance, accurately setting forth the key aspects and relevant details (including, inter alia, the nature and size of all known or foreseeable Adverse Impacts) of a Project or Project expansion, as the case may be, which a Project Proponent wishes to undertake, or having commenced to undertake”. |
A typical Project Proposal may include such as; an executive summary, a brief over view of the project,contact details of the proponent, basic specification of the project, the environmental / social aspects in the project site and its surrounding area, the major likely impacts caused by the project, current status of the project (e.g. new project, existing project, project expansion), proposed type of project (EIA type, IEE type or non IEE/EIA type) etc.
Project Proposal mayalso include the following information (See also Article 28 of EIA Procedure):
a) the need for the Project to deal with an emergency situation;
b) the interest of public health and safety; c) the interest of national security; d) the lifespan of the Project; e) protection of cultural and religious norms, and historical and religious heritage; f) protection of areas having a fragile ecosystem; g) areas affected by cyclones, strong storms, flooding, earthquake (including the Sagaing Fault) and areas vulnerable to natural disaster; h) protection of water resources (lakes, reservoirs, rivers, groundwater aquifers) that serve or may in the future serve as primary sources of public drinking water; i) recreation zones and pearl production areas; j) conservation and protection of biodiversity; k) introduction of exotic or alien species; l) adoption of new technologies; m) population density; n) national, regional and global climate change conditions; o) likely transboundary impacts; p) likely residual impacts or effects occurring some years after Project closure; and q) other factors as the Ministry may determine. |
2. Screening
(See also Article 23 to 30 of EIA Procedure)
After receipt of the Project Proposal, ECD-MONREC will categorize the project as EIA type project, IEE type project, or Non IEE/EIA type project. Then, the determination will be informed to the Project Proponent within 15 working days after receiving the complete Project Proposal.
The process of this categorization is called as ‘Screening’, and the determination will be mainly in accordance with Annex A, Article 25, Article 26 and Article 28 of EIA Procedure No.616/2015 as the following figure: